FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Top 10 Social Security Disability Questions

Here is a list of frequently asked questions you might have about Social Security Disability. If you would like specific answers that relate to your unique situation, simply contact our Arizona disability law firm for a FREE CONSULTATION.

How do I know if my condition qualifies for disability?

We will evaluate your individual claim based on our knowledge of Social Security’s Rules and Regulations, including the Listing of Impairments.

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Does my disability have to be permanent?

Your disability must prevent you from working and must last (or be expected to last) for 12 months.

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Does my claim have to be denied before an attorney will take my case?

No, it is actually more beneficial to start from the initial level.

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Do I have to provide medical records to prove my claim?

No, Social Security will request your medical records from your doctors.

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Do I need a statement from my doctor saying that I am disabled?

While a statement from your doctor may be submitted as medical evidence, the decision on your case will be based on all of your medical records.

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Do you continue representation at the federal court level?

Yes, if we believe the Administrative Law Judge did not apply the Social Security rules correctly, we may file a Request for Review to the Appeals Council. We may also continue your case at United States District Court or the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

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Do you represent clients throughout Arizona?

Yes. Because we communicate by phone and email, even if you live outside of the Phoenix metro area we will assist you. Free Consultation100% Secure & Confidential

What is the difference between SSD and SSI?

Social Security Disability (SSD) is an insurance program and is paid based on the money you pay into Social Security while you are working. You must meet both the earnings requirements and medical requirements to be approved for payments. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs based disability program with financial and resource limits in addition to the medical requirements.

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How much will I receive each month?

The amount you receive is based on an average of your Social Security taxed earnings, or “covered” earnings.

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Will my spouse and children receive a payment?

Your spouse and children may be eligible receive a payment if the children are under 18.

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