SSDI Lawyers for Anxiety

We are SSDI lawyers for anxiety. If you need help with Social Security Disability for anxiety, contact our team. Free consultations are available.

If you are one of the millions of people who are suffering from anxiety, social anxiety or panic attacks, it may be impossible for you to continue working. Our SSDI lawyers for anxiety may help you receive disability benefits.

Our Arizona disability lawyers can:

  • Explain the requirements for receiving SSDI benefits for anxiety
  • Review your claim for benefits
  • Prepare and file your application
  • Represent you throughout the claims process including through appeals and reconsideration

Anxiety is a recognized disability for Social Security Disability benefits. However, preparing a successful application isn’t easy. Our lawyers have helped more than 10,000 people with disability claims. To see how we may assist you, contact our team now to discuss your case.

Anxiety and Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

Does SSDI recognize anxiety as a disability?

The SSDI Blue Book classifies anxiety as a mental disorder that may prevent a person from substantial gainful activity in employment. A person with a qualifying anxiety disorder and enough work credits may receive disability benefits.

What is an anxiety disorder for SSDI?

The Social Security Administration defines anxiety disorder as a mental disorder characterized by excessive anxiety, worry, apprehension and fear. It may include avoiding certain feelings, activities, places or people.

Signs of an anxiety disorder for the purposes of SSDI include:

  • Restlessness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Hyper-vigilance
  • Muscle tension
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Fatigue
  • Panic attacks
  • Obsessive-compulsive behavior
  • Ruminations on safety concerns
  • Somatic complaints

What anxiety disorders may qualify a person for Social Security Disability?

A person may qualify for Social Security Disability if they have any of the following diagnoses:

  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Agoraphobia
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders are discussed in section 12.06 of the Social Security Blue Book Listing of Impairments. PTSD and other trauma-related stressor disorders are discussed separately in section 12.15.

Proving You Qualify for Anxiety-Related Disability Benefits

To qualify for anxiety-related disability benefits, a person must prove that they have an anxiety disorder, and that it impacts their ability to work.

Proving an anxiety disorder

To prove that you have an anxiety-related medical condition, you may show that you have an anxiety disorder, a panic disorder or agoraphobia or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Anxiety disorder has several characterizations including restlessness, fatigue, trouble concentrating, irritability, muscle tension or sleep disturbance.

Panic disorder or agoraphobia is proven by panic attacks and a persistent concern or worry about panic attacks. It may also be shown by a disproportionate fear of at least two distinct social situations, like being in a crowd, outside of your home or in open spaces. Obsessive-compulsive behavior is characterized by involuntary, time-consuming preoccupations or repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety.

Proving that your anxiety disorder prevents you from working

Once you prove that you have a qualifying disorder, you must show that it prevents you from working. There are two ways to show the impact of your anxiety on your ability to work.

First, you may show an extreme limitation in the ability to process information, interact with others, manage oneself or maintain pace.

Second, you may show that your anxiety disorder is serious and persistent, having existed for two years or more, with an ongoing medical treatment history and minimal ability to adapt to changes in your environment.

If you meet these qualifications, you may receive disability benefits for anxiety. If not, you may still receive benefits by showing how your medical condition is equal to the impairments listed in the Blue Book.

For any SSDI anxiety application, the medical documentation required is significant. Our lawyers can assist you with preparing the medical evidence necessary to support your claim.

Consultations Available – Talk to a Lawyer Now

You can talk to an SSDI lawyer for anxiety at Pekas Smith Disability Attorneys. We are committed to offering skilled, convenient, and compassionate representation for people needing legal help with disability claims.

Virtual and phone consultations are welcome. We are happy to provide whatever accommodation may make your consultation easier and more beneficial to you.

For your free consultation, and to see how we can assist you, contact our SSDI anxiety lawyers today.

SSDI and Anxiety FAQs

Can a person get disability for anxiety?

Anxiety is a recognized disability for Social Security Disability benefits. A person who meets the qualifications can get SSDI for anxiety.

How long can you be on disability for anxiety?

There is no time limit to how long you may receive SSDI benefits specifically because the medical condition is anxiety. If a person continues to meet the qualifications, they may continue to receive benefits.

Is it hard to get SSD for anxiety?

SSD benefits for anxiety are available to anyone who qualifies. Because there is no x-ray or lab test to diagnose anxiety directly, significant personal and medical documentation is necessary. Whether it is hard to get SSD for anxiety depends on how easily the person can document that their anxiety disorder meets the standards created by the Social Security Administration.

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