Seven Common Social Security Disability Mistakes

Mistakes can result in the denial of your Social Security Disability application. From our Arizona SSDI lawyers, here are seven common Social Security Disability mistakes.

7 Common Social Security Disability Mistakes

1. Not knowing what qualifies for disability

Social Security Disability payments are based on specific medical conditions. These conditions are listed in the Social Security Listing of Impairments, also known as the Blue Book. The Listing of Impairments states what Social Security considers automatically disabled. It’s a guide to what qualifies for disability.

As you prepare an application, it’s important to know what medical problem or condition qualifies you for disability. Claims examiners expect to see medical evidence. Medical evidence must be objective, and it must be from an accepted source. When you know what medical impairments qualify, you can gather the information required to make your claim successful.

2. Being deceptive or exaggerating your condition

Claims examiners and medical professionals are trained to evaluate claims. If you are deceptive or if you exaggerate, it can work against you. The doctor takes your statements into account, and they examine what you say. An inconsistency may result in a negative report.

It’s important to remain calm and be truthful. Answer questions honestly and factually without minimizing or exaggerating your situation. Try to provide detailed information so that the doctor can accurately report the situation.

3. Missing medical appointments, not following medical care instructions

A medical history is important to a successful Social Security Disability application. Claims examiners evaluate an application based on medical evidence and information. That means you need to have a medical history to present. You must be making a reasonable effort to identify and treat your disability. Missing medical appointments and failing to follow your treatment plan is a mistake that may result in the denial of your application.

4. Assuming you don’t qualify for benefits

Many people could receive Social Security Disability benefits, but they don’t know that they qualify.

For example, a young adult may have a disability before they can establish a work history. They may qualify based on a parent’s work record. A surviving spouse may claim benefits as early as age 60 or even age 50 if they are disabled within seven years of the working spouse’s death. In addition, a survivor who cares for the deceased person’s child under the age of 16 may claim survivor benefits.

There are several situations where workers and their families may qualify for benefits. Too many people miss out on benefits simply because they don’t realize that they can apply for them. Our lawyers can help you evaluate your situation and whether you qualify for benefits.

5. Applying for disability while on unemployment

When you apply for unemployment, you must say that you are available to work and looking for work. When you apply for disability, you say that you are unable to work because of a medical problem. Claims examiners are likely to look at a disability application skeptically when a person is saying that they are available to work.

6. Saying too much

An applicant who says the wrong thing may jeopardize their application for SSDI. For example, an applicant may say that they are applying because they can’t find work. They might say that they enjoy physically active hobbies that are inconsistent with the nature of their disability. They might admit that their physical problems are drug or alcohol-related. These are things that can disqualify a person from receiving disability benefits. Saying too much can disqualify you from benefits, and you must be truthful in your application.

7. Giving up

If the initial application is denied, it can be tempting to simply give up trying to get Social Security Disability benefits. However, many good claims are denied at the first level. You have the right to appeal, and an appeal may be necessary to get your benefits. A successful appeal requires understanding the reasons for the denial, gathering more information, if necessary, and presenting the appeal in a clear way.

It’s a mistake to give up without appealing or to file an appeal without fully understanding how to make the appeal a success.

FAQs About Disability Mistakes

What if I make a mistake on my disability claim?

If you make a mistake on your disability claim, it may result in the denial of an otherwise good claim. However, you may pursue an appeal or refile for benefits. Having a lawyer helps you identify the error and correct it.

What happens when Social Security makes a mistake?

When Social Security pays you the incorrect amount, you can call Social Security service representatives or go to a local office to correct it. Unfortunately, if you’re paid too much, you don’t get to keep the money. If Social Security makes a mistake in an application for benefits, you can file an appeal.

Don’t Let Mistakes Stop You from Getting SSDI – Work with the Pekas Smith Disability Attorneys in Arizona

Mistakes can prevent people from getting Social Security benefits. Don’t let it happen to you! You can have the Pekas Smith Disability Attorneys represent you at any stage of your case. Contact us for your consultation and start today.

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