What is the SSDI Ticket to Work Program?

The SSDI Ticket to Work Program helps SSDI recipients find and keep work. Do you qualify? Should you participate?

Pekas Smith: Arizona Disability Attorneys explains what you need to know about the SSDI Ticket to Work Program.

SSDI Ticket to Work Program

The SSDI Ticket to Work Program helps Social Security Disability recipients transition back to work. The program offers employment referrals, vocational rehabilitation, and other services to support the employment of SSDI recipients. Each participant develops their program, but a Ticket to Work plan may continue for up to seven years or until the person returns to gainful employment.

SSDI Ticket to Work Eligibility

You may qualify for the SSDI Ticket to Work Program if you are:

  • Between the ages of 18-64
  • An SSDI recipient
  • Ready to try working or ready to return to work

Does it cost anything to participate in the SSDI Ticket to Work Program?

Participation in the SSDI Ticket to Work Program is free. If you’re able to return to work and your work is sustainable, this may change or end your SSDI benefits.

How Does it Work if You’re in SSDI Ticket to Work?

  • As an SSDI recipient, you sign up for Ticket to Work, and case workers verify your eligibility.
  • You work with an Employment Network (EN) or state vocational rehabilitation agency (VR).
  • With your case worker, you create a plan. Your plan may include training, earnings goals, timeframes, and removing barriers to employment.
  • Representatives check on your progress.
  • During your trial work period, if you continue to earn less than $1,110 per month (2024), your benefits are not affected.
  • As you transition to work, your benefits may change and then terminate.
  • If employment is unsuccessful, you may receive temporary benefits while your expedited review for benefits is pending.
  • The goal of the SSDI Ticket to Work program is to help you return to employment and the financial, social, and personal benefits that come from being a part of the workforce.

What about Medicare – I would do the Ticket to Work Program, but I can’t lose my health insurance!

Many people considering the SSDI Ticket to Work Program are concerned about their Medicare benefits. Fortunately, if you earn enough to stop SSDI benefits, you may still be covered by Medicare for up to seven years or 93 months. The period begins after your nine-month trial work period, giving you time to get health insurance through your employer or the Affordable Care Act marketplace.

How long can you work on SSDI Ticket to Work?

A Ticket to Work program may continue for up to seven years. In addition, you may receive pay above set limits for up to nine non-consecutive months in any five years without disruption of benefits.

How do you join the SSDI Ticket to Work program?

To join the SSDI ticket to work program, call 1 (866) 968-7842 or 1 (866) 833-2967 where service representatives will verify your eligibility. Once you’re signed up, you choose an employment network and work with service providers to create your employment plan.

What services can you receive through the SSDI Ticket to Work program?

Employment assistance services through the Ticket to Work program may include:

  • Job placement
  • Employment counseling and coaching
  • Training and skill development
  • Benefits counseling
  • Removing barriers to employment
  • Addressing needed accommodations

The Ticket to Work program is personalized, meaning you will create a timeline and goals that are specific to your situation.

What protections are there for the SSDI Ticket to Work Program?

The SSDI Ticket to Work program is a trial period. It’s for people who receive benefits to try getting back to work. There are fallbacks and safety nets if necessary.

For example, if you continue to earn less than a set amount – $1,110 per month in 2024 – your SSDI continues. This allows you to try working without concern about your benefits.

During your trial work period, you may earn a substantial amount ($1,110 gross per month or more in 2024). But your benefits won’t terminate right away. You may earn more than the amount for up to nine months before your benefits are affected. These months may be non-consecutive in five years.

After your work trial, there is a three-year extended period of eligibility (EPE). During this period, you can earn up to $1,550 per month and still receive disability benefits. If you consistently earn more than $1,550 per month during the EPE period, you have successfully returned to employment and your benefits end.

Medicare benefits may continue for up to seven years after your trial work period ends.

Expedited return to benefits

If employment is not successful, you have up to five years to restart your benefits using expedited reinstatement. This isn’t a new application. You can receive up to six months of temporary benefits while expedited review is pending.

Ticket to Work and Continuing Disability Review

If an SSDI recipient signs up for the Ticket to Work program, there won’t be a continuing disability review during their participation. Representatives check that the person is progressing on their employment plan. However, any continuing disability reviews that may have otherwise been conducted will be paused, allowing the program participant to focus on their employment rather than proving their continued eligibility for benefits.

If a Continuing Disability Review (CDR) has been initiated before starting the Ticket to Work Program, the CDR will go forward.

What is the basis for the SSDI Ticket to Work Program?

The SSDI Ticket to Work Program comes from the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999.

Is Ticket to Work Right for Me?

Usually, returning to work is ideal. You may earn more money than you receive through SSDI.

There are protections in place to ensure your benefits or health insurance aren’t terminated before you have consistent employment. However, there may be reasons that you’re not a good fit for the Ticket to Work program.

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Pekas Smith: Arizona Disability Attorneys helps people get and maintain their disability benefits.

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